I had the opportunity to take photos of some great kids while they were participating in the Community Skills Program. Check it out!
COMMUNITY SKILLS: A Newsletter about CSSU students participating in work skills learning
Every white day at noon, five CVU Students drop their back packs off in our small cluttered office and head out with rakes, shovels and tools. The group will return in three hours after an afternoon of hard work: raking, cutting brush, cleaning barns, prepping decks, stacking wood, cleaning out gardens and more. Crew Leaders, David Richardson and Sharon Ogden provide the student direction and structure that makes the experience successful.
The work program, now a perennial favorite among staff and students, gets students outside and working on projects at local home-owners and town parks and land. The students enjoy the opportunity to be together, earn incentives and build leadership and team skills. Work Crew consistently provides a unique learning experience for students heading into tech school programs or directly into the work force.
Homeowners really enjoy sponsoring the crew. Advertised through CVU’s e-mail forum and neighborhood “Front Porch Forums”, the crew schedule fills fast! In December, when work demands lessen, students will visit area agencies and resources, take vocational assess-ments, and meet local employers.