News Alert: The Senate just voted S. 141 forward 20-8. Your calls have made such a difference! Our voices have been heard loud and clear in the Vermont Senate.
Sen John Campbell (left) and Sen Dick Sears (right)
Sears was head of judiciary committee that brought the bill through a long journey filled with may members dressed in orange from the gun lobby.
Senate vote 20-8 Historic. Never been done here, before.
This bill is an important step in our shared responsibility to keep guns out of the wrong hands, and it’s so exciting to see it moving forward despite the opposition of the gun lobby.
The senators below all supported the bill.
Addison County
Senator Ayer*
Senator Bray
Bennington County
Senator Campion
Senator Sears
Caledonia County
Senator Benning
Senator Kitchel
Chittenden County
Senator Ashe
Senator Baruth
Senator Lyons
Senator Sirotkin
Senator Snelling
Senator Zuckerman
Orange County
Senator MacDonald
Lamoille County
Senator Westman
Washington County
Senator Cummings
Senator Pollina
Windham County
Senator Balint
Senator White
Windsor County
Senator Campbell
Senator McCormack
Senator Nitka
*Senator Ayer was unable to attend the vote, but her strong leadership on this bill certainly deserves our thanks and appreciation.
“Gun laws may no longer be the third rail of Vermont politics.”
That’s thanks to YOUR voices! YOU are changing the face of this issue!
The full article is here: By Lopsided Vote, Vermont Senate Approves New Gun Regulations
Here are some of my other blog posts:
Working Together to Keep Guns Out of the Wrong Hands
Young Guns. Continuing the Conversation about Guns in Our Society.
Vermonters for Common Sense Gun Laws
Vermonters for Common Sense Gun Laws
In May 2014, Gun Sense Vermont launched our campaign for criminal background checks on most all gun sales in Vermont. Widely supported in Vermont and the single most effective systematic way to keep guns out of the wrong hands, criminal background checks reduce rates of domestic violence murders, suicide and gun trafficking. Visit the website for more information.