Have you seen Episode 448 of Stuck in Vermont? If you haven’t then it is definitely time to meet the Vermonters in Anaïs Mitchell’s Hadestown!

A decade ago, Vermont songwriter Anaïs Mitchell created Hadestown. The folk opera premiered in Barre in 2006 and is a creative reimagining of the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice.
After years of touring with the show in concert format and a successful studio album, Hadestown opened off-Broadway this summer at the New York Theatre Workshop in the East Village. It immediately garnered rave reviews.
The evolving show still has ties to the Green Mountains. We talked to Vermont musician Michael Chorney, who arranged and orchestrated Hadestown and has been with the show since its inception a decade ago. Michael also plays in the band every evening alongside another Hadestown alum, Vermonter Rob Morse. We also spoke to Noah Mease, formerly of Williston, who made the props for the show, and Waitsfield native Shaina Taub, who performs as one of the Fates. You can see Hadestown at the New York Theatre Workshop through July 31. And who knows, perhaps its next stop will be Broadway!
See the full article at sevendaysvt.com.