SLIDE SHOW NPA. 6/16/2020
I am Carolyn Bates, 20 Caroline St.
Professional photographer since 1973 her in Burlington, VT
If any of you want to buy a copy of any of these photos, I will let you determine what you would like to pay me for a signed 8 x 10 print.
And I will split any fees paid 50 50 with FPF.
I am a member of ASMP.ORG
International group of 7000 professional photographers who wrote our copyright laws
Our group was asked to photograph One Day in the Life of April 27, 2020 for a potential book.
I took out almost all color in my submissions. Color was just too happy a mood for this period of time.
- Shelburne Museum. As I drove by, the birds came out. So I stopped in the middle of the road and took three photos.
- Jesse Warren was walking right where I wanted someone to be when I went to Oakledge Park beach.
- During our isolation, I finished up Sandy Lawton’s fabric formed Concrete
- Climate Resilient House in Waitsfield with roof garden by Broadleaf from Waitsfield, VT :
- And finished a garden for Broadleaf Landscape Architecture
- I also published “A Keene Eye on Architecture” Sketchbook by Nils Luderowski.
L. Brown, in Barre, Vt was the custom printer.
Nils is a long time client of mine out of Keene Valley, NY. I have always loved his sketches. So to preserve them forever, I published a book of his work.
Victoria Colotta, book designer and Nils worked together.
You can buy them at our local Phoenix Book Store. - The remaining photos are ones I took during my many walks around the five sisters neighborhood starting in Mid March onward through today.
Thank you all.
Enjoy the show.